pet health


Question by  MizA (42)

Should I be worried that my lizard has toes missing?

It looks like he has 3 toes missing.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Did he have the toes when you got him? Watch him and see if he's eating around that area. They might have a disease and he needs the vet.


Answer by  Jakey98 (222)

No, you should not be worried. It is probably normal for that type of lizard, as the number of toes is not necessarily standard. Even if your lizard is defective, that doesn't mean there is anything seriously wrong with him. In any case, you can not replace the toes.


Answer by  idavid (385)

Yes, you should be concerned that your lizard has three toes missing. Missing toes can be a symptom of distress (your lizard may be cannibalizing him or herself), a parasite infection, or a virus. Lizards can pickup parasites and viruses due to poor husbandry. Take your animal to a vet as soon as possible.


Answer by  dingosan8 (407)

Lizards have special requirements as far as dietary needs are concerned. The two main needs are vitamin supplements especially with calcium and sunlight,usually artificial since they are captive. Any missing body parts are always a concern. I suggest you find a veterinarian that specializes in reptiles and seek treatment as soon as possible,as its health will decline.


Answer by  Stephie (25)

I don't think there is a need for you to worry about your lizard losing toes. They can still live even if their toes are incomplete.

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