

Question by  julsbeau (87)

Should I be concerned that my girlfriend is still talking to her ex?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

If they are just talking don't be concerned. If the talking turns into more, you might want to rethink your relationship.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

No. If you have no reason not to trust her don't worry about it. They were close once so it's normal they still talk.


Answer by  bazjack (51)

Well, there's talking, and talking. Is her ex someone she's known a long time - like an old family friend? If so, probably not. Otherwise, be wary.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Consider the type of conversation. Some people remain friends but if she is spending more time talking with him than sit down and say something.

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