

Question by  aaa (19)

Should I be concerned that my dog's hip clicks when he is walking?


Answer by  Louise (94)

Yes, you should take your dog to a veterinarian immediately. Clicking implies that something is out of place or an injury is present.


Answer by  sooz (644)

Yes you should be concerned. The clicking could possibly be hip dysplasia which is very common in large breed dogs and gets worse with age. It is very painful for the dog and may require surgery if untreated.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It depends on how bad it is and how often it happens the age of the dog the breed some dog breeds are known for having hip displasia if that may be the case you will need to take the dog to the vet and have it checked then you would know for sure.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Hearing any clicks when your pet walks is a concern. In a large dog, it could mean hip displascia or arthritis. Have your vet check asap.

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