


Question by  rpmurugan (18)

Should I be concerned that my beta fish has bulged eyes?


Answer by  mem0823 (27)

Yes, buldged eyes is indicative of illness. You can purchase beta fish conditioner and curative drops at local pet stores. You just add the solution to the tank as directed by the package, and should see results witin a couple of days. The solution will help with a number of conditions and has worked very well in my experience.


Answer by  Heloise (397)

I am assuming you mean a betta fish? Yes, it is of concern, as they are prone to a condition called popeye (clinical name exophthalmos or exophthalmia). Severe cases, if left untreated, may result in blindness. Popeye tends to be a symptom of other illness or injury, rather than a disease in itself. I suggest you consult a vet.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Sounds like "pop-eye", which is symptomatic of various underlying problems in fish. Make sure the tank is not supersaturated with excess air and check nitrate levels, make sure you are feeding enough, look for parasites or signs of septicemia (red blotches/streaks) that might require medicated food. If it viral, there is no cure. Could also be an injury.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

One of the best treatment for any fish with bulging eyes is Stress Coat. This is a liguid that you put in the tank. One use a few drops and you will see that the fish will start to heal. This also takes care of any other problem with the fish.

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