health conditions


Question by  deannaharr (17)

Should I be concerned that months after having a cold sore that my mouth is still red?


Answer by  symphonyparis (493)

There are a couple questions you need to ask, such as: Do my lips hurt? Are they sensitive? Are they dry for no apparent reason? What kind of red? Dark? Light? Etc.. I would consult my Doctor and ask. Or if you do not have a regular Doctor, consult the many website online just for medical questions.


Answer by  bullet02 (172)

Cold sores are usually relieved after a few days. If longer than that it should be seen by a specialist. It could be caused viral infection such as HSV.


Answer by  hanibal (20)

I am always concerned when I discover there is something physically unusual on my body. The red mouth can be very disturbing and yet, it could mean nothing. To be absolutely shore I would visit a doctor who will set the right diagnosis. I always say that is better to stop complications early rather than treat consequences later.

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