

Question by  lucypuke (28)

Should I be concerned about kids around the mushrooms growing in my yard?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

You must destroy the mushrooms they are poisonous. The children might pick one and eat the mushroom which could prove fatal. There is a killer which you can get from garden centers as mushrooms are a fungi.


Answer by  sc773 (79)

Only if they ingest them. There's many plants that are harmful if eaten, but depends on how old they are. Are they young enough to put anything into their mouth? In that case, also need to worry about animal droppings or other things that can make them ill.


Answer by  mjjaegly (211)

Mushrooms really shouldn't be a concern for you. Sit your children down and explain to them that they are not for eatting and are dangerous. Perhaps if you have other plants show them what is edible.


Answer by  John (9008)

Some types of mushrooms are very poisonous, while some are safe. If you do not know what type of mushrooms you have in your yard, it would be smart to keep children away from them.

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