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Question by  NNog (35)

Should I ask my bridesmaids to wear their hair in similar styles for the wedding?

I'm not sure if that's customary--to dictate hairstyles.


Answer by  MathWiz (1408)

That is very common. One way is to say that you'll be having a hairdresser who will do everyone's hair for them. Each person is unique though, and having the same color dress is usually more than enough. Asking them to not dye their hair a funky color before the wedding is a good idea too.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

As the bride of the wedding, you can have your bridesmaids dressed exactly as you want them, from their makeup, hair, jewelry, dresses and shoes. Even their nail polish. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, but pitch in on costs for specialties you demand.


Answer by  yael (482)

I think that bridesmaids should be able to decide which hair style works best for them. I know brides who have requested up-dos or down but I have never heard of a dictated hairstyle.


Answer by  decomom (923)

Since there is a good chance your bridesmaids have different lengths and textures of hair it will probably look best for each style to suit the individual person.

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