

Question by  AManikandan (21)

Once a dog has had coccidia, is it immune to it?


Answer by  erinlynn85 (40)

In a way yes. The older a dog/puppy gets the more immune its body becomes to the coccidia and eventually an adult dog will experience no ill effects from it but puppies are very suseptable to it whenever they are exposed. So they may not be immuned after the first time but they will be with age.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

No. Coccidia isn't a virus or disease, it's a parasite. Dogs don't build immunity to parasites, if they are exposed to it they can contract it.


Answer by  bloodyfreak (172)

They will not be immune to it, but will not develope any symptons from them unless their immune system is comprimised. Puppies tend to be more susceptible.

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