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Question by  holmgren (26)

My Windows XP product key code doesn't work, what should I do?


Answer by  Hewitt302 (1720)

This happened to me as well, where XP gave me the key code, and I could'nt use it. I had to go back to the store and get a new keycode. However, if you purchased your keycode from the Microsoft website and not through a retailer, then Microsoft should be able to fix the problem at no extra charge.


Answer by  Sabharish (1610)

If it is a genuine key that you bought from miocrosoft, then you can report to microsoft. If it is pirated you don't have any chances. Check the key onceagain.


Answer by  JamieKeen (19)

Contact Microsoft (by Telephone) and explain your issue, it sounds like your product has been active before, so Microsft may off locked it. I used to get this all the time, all i did was call them up state that i have rebuilt my PC so needed to re-install Windows.


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

If your Windows XP product key does not work, you may have to call Microsoft and tell them what the problem is and you will probably have to provide them with proof of purchase and they should be able to give you another one.


Answer by  ElectricDave (80)

If your Windows XP product key is legitimate (key attached to computer by the manufacturer), then you can contact microsoft via the information when your key is rejected.


Answer by  asish (9)

Contact Microsoft with your license details and genuine certificate and ask for a renewal of your windows xp product key.


Answer by  PhilJr (15)

Windows product key codes can be found using software, like: "Magicial jelly bean" key finder. It can reveal your Windows XP product code. Available as a free download online.


Answer by  Ivan7 (5)

Go back to the store where I have purchased the disk and ask them for a working one. If they fail to provide me with a working key I might either sue the store or try to find some warez version, which is stupid since I paid for it. Either way I wouldn't pay it twice.


Answer by  PowerIsMe (844)

I'd suggest you call up Microsoft Sales support. You should be able to find links on their Website. Also ensure that the CD you are using to install Windows XP is the one that came when you bought the product. There are multiple versions of Windows XP, so a single product key will not work for them all.



This cd will b expire. You have tried another cd and go for another product key. Enter the product key and go ahead for further process. If same problem occur then the problem with in the software it should be copied or illegal.


Answer by  thiefraccoon (266)

this is a very common, but hard to fix problem. you can either look for a pirate cd-key on the internet, or call the microsoft, tell them (you might even have to send them) the proof of purchase, and they will find a cd-key for you.

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