

Question by  anthonyross43 (17)

My pit bull is 10 years old and having a hard time laying down. What's wrong with him?


Answer by  alliemart (29)

The dog is 10 years old, an older dog, so it is possible that the dog is showing symptoms of athritis. Take it to a vet to find out.


Answer by  withsmluck (793)

Medium to large breed of dogs that have trouble laying down or getting up could have hip dysplasia that can cause arthritis. Getting an x-ray done would let you know.


Answer by  MsLizziebug (833)

Chances are your dog is having hip problems, and he's looking for the easiest, pain free way to lay down. Possibly arthritis in his joints due to age. Take off any excess weight and give him glucosamine or other joint rememdies, preferably with perna or greenlipped mussels.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Is he not moving around a lot??? At that age your dog is starting to get old. He could be starting to have hip and joint problems which make it hurt for him to sit down. Give him hip and joint supplements and he should move around more.

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