

Question by  Chem (41)

My dog is overeating and bloated. What should I do?


Answer by  AppleSauce (140)

Your dog can only eat as much food as you give it. I would feed the dog on a schedule and control its portion his or her meals. If your dog is still have those problems you should consult a veterinarian.


Answer by  patti (29325)

How much your dog eats is up to you. Talk to your veterinarian and get your dog on a regimented eating plan that affords him proper calories and nutrition without causing him problems. Be sure to give him lots of exercise like long walks, fetching, etc. Your dog depends on your to have the best life possible.


Answer by  hymanrichard (78)

when you have a case where a dog is overeating the 1st thing you should do is start taking up your dogs food bowl and only feed it when you are watching that way you can chose how much they eat. also you can give your dog a half of TUMS


Answer by  cfriedl (33)

First, feed the dog a pre-measured amount of food recommended by your vet for the size and breed of the dog. This will prevent any over eating. If the dog is a medium to large breed, raising the food bowl off of the ground will help eliminate the chances of the dog swallowing air as he eats.

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