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Question by  tiddle (3)

My chicken has a lump under its eye. What could be the cause and what is the treatment?

The eye is swollen.


Answer by  TGR3 (14)

Your chicken may be suffering from infectious coryza, a contagious bacterial infection that is spread through contact with infected flockmates,contaminated feed, or through the air. Symptoms range from upper-respiratory ailments, decrease in egg production, to death. Sulfonamides and antibiotics such as streptomycin and erythromycin are preferred treatments for this disease.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

This is likely a blocked tearduct, which has evolved into a cyst. If the cysts does not go down in two weeks, and appears to be getting worse, you should take the chicken to a vet for drainage.


Answer by  Jakecutter (1819)

This is usually the result of an eye infection. It is spread much like pink eye is through humans, through the food, other chickens, surrounding locations.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The lump could be due to an injury, bacterial infection, a viral infection or a growth of some type. Monitor the chicken's status and contact a veterinarian if the lump worsens or the chicken's health declines. You don't want your other chickens affected in the event it is contagious.


Answer by  patti (29325)

It's difficult to say. It could be from an injury, bacteria, virus or a neoplastic growth. Keep an on on it. If it worsens, call your vet.


Answer by  souldolphindream (835)

Its sounds like you chicken has a eye infection. I would take him/her into see your vet. You never know it could be something really serious that needs to be addressed.

Reply by tiddle (3):
Thanks for response, I should have been more specific. The eye is fine- the lump is where I presume is its cheek - possibly sinus? Also bald round its neck but think this is moulting and/or result severe red mite(which is now sorted!)Otherwise healthy.  add a comment
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