

Question by  timhood (43)

Mu mother's living trust states that when she passes the farm goes to me. If she sells now how do I keep Medicare, Medicaid from getting it?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

If she sells it to you at full cost now, you get it. If you take it over on a purchase in return for labor, you can "buy" it for the cost of running it. In any other case, her assets stand to be used to pay for her medical costs, which is only fair to taxpayers paying for Medicare.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

If you use Medicaid to pay for nursing home or assisted living expensive then they will probably try and recoup some of those costs after the person receiving benefits dies. Talk to a financial adviser so things are handled properly now and medicaid will not have anything to take.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Medicare cannot take property. Medicaid can take the money or put a lien on the farm if she requires the government to pay for nursing home care.

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