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Do you think painting your room orange is a good idea?
How many calories are in an orange?
I have an orange and black pet fish, what kind of fish is it?
Is there such a thing as a white magic marker?
What are orange and black insects?
What kind of cat has black and orange fur?
Why are calico cats always girls and orange tabby cats always boys?
Question by bruntha (6) Loading Data Please wait...
Answer by thattractorguy (2970) Loading Data Please wait...
Yes. Orange grasshoppers are a nymph in the genus Schistocerca. They are common in the Western United States, mostly California.
Answer by BrendaG (6111) Loading Data Please wait...
The Lubber grasshopper(Florida) contains orange, yellow, and red in its coloring. It does contains toxins and will make its predator sick. Schistocerca, or orange grasshopper, has been recorded in California.
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