

Question by  summitz06 (110)

Is there something deadly about Lexapro?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Lexapro is widely prescribed for depression and generalized anxiety disorder. People who take this drug often have a prescription for Xanax. There have been some cases of Lexapro and too much Xanax causing problems, some of which have been fatal. Taken as directed, Lexapro doesn't cause anything "deadly. "


Answer by  chemteach (100)

Lexapro may increase suicidal tendancies and has been linked to potentially fatal newborn lung problems when used by mothers during pregnancy. Death can also result from seizures and breathing cessation.


Answer by  MHugabom (523)

Lexapro is an SSRI antidepressant. It is generally very safe, with similar side effects as other SSRI medications. Side effects vary by person and dose, and most are outweighed by the benefits to quality of life. All SSRI's share a warning about increased chances of suicide or suicidal ideation. This is a very rare side effect.


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

Lexapro is anti-depressant and as with any other drug may have side effects. Some of the following are rare and possibly deadly side effects have been noted: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, kidney failure, blood clots, heart attack, seizures, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. Also, there is an increased risk of depression becoming worse for people 25 years and younger that could lead to suicide.

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