

Question by  Anonymous

Is there life after death?


Answer by  caftril (176)

The idea of an afterlife depends on your religion or philosophy. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and some forms of Paganism believe in reincarnation. Whereas, Islam, and Christianity tell of an afterlife in Heaven or Hell. Spiritualists believe in an existence in a spirit world. Some Jews believe in a spiritual eternal life with varying degrees of closeness to the Creator.

posted by Anonymous
Rubbish still dont anwser!  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Yes! I believe that Jesus went to prepare a place for us and if we believe in Him, we'll have enternal life in Heaven. Isn't that wonderful!!!!!

posted by Anonymous
answer better  add a comment

Answer by  Gunrunner (561)

If you believe in any of several religions, then yes, there is life after death. Some religions believe in a spiritual life with their particular GOD. Others believe in reincarnation, i.e. we come back as a lesser or greater being depending on how we lived previous lives. Atheists usually believe there is this life, then death and nothing more.


Answer by  smail (6)

After death there's a day on which everyone will be risenup body&soul then accounted for all what he/she did on his/her life. Then there is life forever either in paradise/ hell or in hell then paradise forever,allpeople enter paradise only who worshiped other than the one GOD will remainin hell.


Answer by  Anonymous

This still dont answer the question. Has any had a loved one pass on, but before they did said that they would let you know in someway that there is?


Answer by  Dtrice (24)

My grandfather died around 10 years ago, yet I still live on as well as billions of other people. People die every day but others live and start new lives. Some people feel as though their life is over after a loved one has passed, but they continue to breath. Life will never stop no matter how many things die.


Answer by  Anonymous

This still dont answer the question. Has any had a loved one pass on, but before they did said that they would let you know in someway that there is?

posted by Anonymous
Yes, Read "Dying testimonies of the saved and unsaved" Google it --you can read it on line.  add a comment
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