

Question by  sbeauty (13)

Is there a time limit on receiving an auto insurance settlement?


Answer by  patti (29325)

The time limit depends on state law. Generally, all claims must be settled within 24 months of the date of the accident. While most companies want to settle quickly, some will drag it out to avoid paying as long as possible.


Answer by  prakashk125 (19)

The time limit is mentioned in your policy. you may contact your insurance department to find out additional details. And need to research your state's legal statues of limitations.


Answer by  Rubberchicken (819)

Yes. Each state has a statute of limitations, usually two years. If you have had an accident, check your state's statute of limitations so that you know your time limit to receive a settlement.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

There is actually no time limit. Claims are processed on a case by case basis. So there is no time limit. Just wait and see put. You can contact the insurance company to see how long it will take.


Answer by  Rubberchicken (819)

In every state, there is a statute of limitations for bringing or concluding a claim against the tortfeasor. Many states provide a two year statute from the loss date; others are one and three, respectively. However, these statutes can change based on circumstances and you should contact your states insurance commissioner for specifics to your case.


Answer by  Rubberchicken (819)

All states and jurisdictions in the United States have a statute of limitations. This means that there are specific times that a claim needs to be brought, or concluded by. Check with your state's department of insurance after you have an accident. Common statutes range from one to three years.


Answer by  Rachel54 (109)

There is a limit on how long a person has to take the other party of an insurance claim to court, which is usually 2 years.

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