How can I varnish my greasy kitchen cabinets to make the look like new?
How do you decorate a cornice topped windows?
How do you make a plastic lace keychain?
How do you make upholstered cornices?
What are some key elements of contemporary kitchens?
What is a good simple homemade meal to make for someone who needs a dinner?
What is the standard depth of a kitchen cabinet?
crafts home decorating windows
Question by catface (16)
I'd like a project that I could do myself.
Answer by nupsmommy (375)
I'm not sure how simple this is for most people, but it's the only one I found. You need to use wood to create your desired shape, then wrap and staple the fabric around it. Then you can hang it up.
Answer by phoenixrising13 (4)
yes there is, all youhave to do is look it up on google and you should anonmously get the answer some how. Have fun
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