

Question by  MiltonBradley (14)

Is there a popular play about writers that write tragedies?


Answer by  lovellagrey (21)

Yes. 'Accent on Youth' is a 1934 play written by Samson Raphaelson. It tells the story of a successful writer named Stephen Gay, whose latest play is "tragedy" about a May-December romance.


Answer by  talisa (137)

Yes, there are two main ones that fit this. First, Luigi Pirandello's "Six Characters in Search of an Author. " Second, Samson Raphaelson's "Accent on Youth. "


Answer by  Lorbeer (304)

The play "Six characters in search of an author" fits good in your search. It was written from Luigi Pirandello , an italian author , in 1920. The actors on the stage are looking for the author - to help them to solve her very tragic family situation. They want to live their life in reality and on the stage.


Answer by  Elysha45 (77)

Yes the play is called Accent on Youth that was produced by the Manhattan Theatre Club. Accent on Youth is actually set in the 1940's about a playwritter who is past his 50's and decides to write about a play about a playwriter who falls in love with a woman very much younger than him.

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