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Question by  vkarthikhmilnet (8)

Is the Yamaha PW80 a good bike for a first-time rider?

I've ridden but not owned my own bike.


Answer by  D25 (14)

The PW80 is a very small bike. Ideal for a very young or very small beginning rider, but not likely an average sized teen or older. This is also an off road bike and is not meant at all for street riding. There are some larger wheeled alternatives in the 100cc+ range that may be appropriate for larger riders.


Answer by  Iskitsow (14)

For an 80cc motor bike, the Yamaha PW80 is great for a newbie. This bike runs pretty well specially if a small person is riding it. It could get really fast. Also, the Yamaha PW80 was very well built. I have met some people who has used their PW80 for a few years now.


Answer by  wennifred (597)

Yes, it is. It's a smaller bike so it should be much easier to handle than most of the larger bikes. It can be found used for pretty cheap, too.


Answer by  Kiko85 (40)

A Yamaha PW80 is a small bike, made for kids. So if you are a small kid, then yes it is for you. As for a grown adult, you should not bother.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

That sounds like a good bike for a younger person or kid to ride but if you are an adult it will be too small. It is only 80cc which may propel you (very slowly) but it is not meant for street riding.


Answer by  GJC7 (79)

Great bike for a younger and small rider. There are some safety features like exhaust restricter that allow the bike to grow with the rider confidence. Only 3 gears allow new riders to understand how bikes accelerate and increase speed based on gearing and acceleration. Overall seat height is low.

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