


Question by  clvincent11 (28)

Is the jacaranda very frost sensitive?


Answer by  wmgcgirl12 (293)

Young jacaranda needs to be protected from frost. They prefer a no frost to light frost environment. If the plant should be exposed to frost and blackened tips occur simply cut them off and new growth should sprout.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Mature Jacaranas are very frost tolerant, however the young plant is not, 25 degrees F is the lowest recommended temperature they will tolerate.


Answer by  Jack29 (17)

Jacaranda is sub-tropical in nature and hardy to USDA zone 9, a minimum of 20 degrees Farenheit, and therefore not suited for cold climates or frost.


Answer by  Redhdz (527)

The young Jacaranda is very frost sensitive when young,and once established Jacarandas are actually frost hardy. Grow in low frost and frost free climates. Or need protection on cold nights.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

All plants are very frost sensitive but they are usually ok if you know you are going to have a frost if you go out and just lay a sheet over the plant so the frost cannot come into contact with any part of the plant. You can always do a websearch on them for more details.


Answer by  worker8739 (555)

These trees are grown in USDA hardiness zones 9b-11. Grown in the extreme southern areas, these trees are extremely frost sensitive. They are not a North American native plant, and can only survive in such climates.


Answer by  reemasidz (61)

Yes, it is a growth of warmer temperatures. It will wilt if planted in frosty climates. Unless it is a hybrid species that is genetically modified to resist colder climates.

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