

Question by  DavidBBoone (23)

Is retinol safe to use during pregnancy?


Answer by  rain7420 (152)

Moderate topical Retinol use appears to be safe during pregnancy however; it should be used with caution. Retinol contains vitamin A. Excessive vitamin A can be harmful to your baby.


Answer by  suze1976 (6)

To address the doctor above, topical retinol is not contraindicted in pregnancy. ORAL vitamin A such as retin-a is contraindicated. Doctors are just being cautious. Unless you are bathing yourself in topical vitamin A, there is minimal risk to a fetus. Please STOP uncessesarily scaring expectant mothers.


Answer by  Anonymous

Retinol is completely safe to use while pregnant. Retinol is NOT vitamin A...and Vitamin A is illegal to use in any cosmetic or skin cream (unless prescription). See about the boots skin care range.


Answer by  SavaFiend76 (72)

Retinol in small doses is considered safe. However, there have been reported incidences of birth defects in women who use products that contain a high level of retinol. Most doctors advice women to err on the side of caution and stop using retinol-containing products while pregnant.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

It is not safe.During pregnancy avoid taking any sort of medicine.If you are to have it take the advise of your doctor.Baby must be safe.Take care!


Answer by  ilango (226)

NO. It is not safe to use during pregnancy. because it contain more vitamin A that speed up the cell division that is harmful tounborn child. avoid this is better.

posted by Anonymous
Where do you get this information from? Retinol is NOT vitamin A. I wonder sometimes about the conflicting and confusing information that people post on these sites.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

How long before I get pregnant should I stop using face products with Retinol and Alpha Lipoic Acid?

posted by Anonymous
As above, Retinol in skin care is completely safe to use while pregnant. It is the oral use of this and vitamin A that is NOT safe.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Being a doctor we feel its highly unsafe to use retinol or its derivatives in pregnancy according to the studies evidenced by severe congenital malformations. Infact we urge patients to take a pledge to not get pregnant while using such products. So according to the medical fraternity its contraindicated.  add a comment
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