


Question by  cemurphy (26)

Is plexiglass paintable?


Answer by  14lvl (144)

It depends on the kind of paint. Oil paint won't stick to plexiglass for too long, but water based paints like acrylic, latex, even some fabric paint should be fine. Many artists experiment with acrylic on glass and plexiglass, and it creates a wonderful and beautiful effect. Just be careful about peeling, and it'll be fine.


Answer by  kbbaybee16 (350)

yes it definitly is. most home improvement stores carry paint to paint on plexi glass. Oil paint will not work but acrylic, latex, even fabric paint will work on plexiglass


Answer by  ShawnL19 (310)

Yes it is. Common household and spray paints don't work so well, however. Most home improvement stores carry paints made to work on plexiglass.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

It should be printable. You need to prep the surface by applying an adhesion promoter, primer, or lightly scuffing the surface. The paint should then stick quite well.


Answer by  decomom (923)

Plexiglass should be able to be painted but you have to get the right kind of paint. Select a paint that is intended for use on plastics and you should be fine.

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