- Short Answers



Question by  Jewels1 (22)

Is my maple tree dead if it does not bloom and has no leaves?

I think my maple tree is dead.


Answer by  blahblah12 (23)

If you try bending a branch and it snaps because it's dry, you know it's dead. If you bend a branch and it's flexible. it's most likely alive.


Answer by  hello64 (33)

It is possible, it depends on what time of year it is. If it is winter or a period of time that does not favor the development of blooms or leaves then the tree will not produce these. Break a small twig and see if it is green.


Answer by  treemom (334)

If there are no leaves, scratch the bark. If the layer under the bark is green and moist, the tree may be alive. If it is dry, then dead.


Answer by  kangaroodoyle (324)

If your tree is without leaves and blooms during the growing season then it is probably dead. They are deciduous trees and lose their leaves in the fall through the winter months.

Reply by shadney (0):
That doesn't make sense "if you tree is without leaves and blooms during the growing season then it is probably dead". If it blooms then it is not you got my husband wanting to dig it up cause it has no leaves. It is green under the bark.  add a comment

Answer by  Joekintyhtt (32)

No it does not mean that the tree is dead. the tree could just be dormant. Look for any new green buds on the ends of the branches.

Reply by shadney (0):
what if it is green under the bark, moist, and yet has no leaves? Is it in some dormant state?
It was fine for two years and now this.  add a comment

Answer by  tab65 (456)

Your maple tree may not be dead. If you get a small knife and cut into the base. If the base is green and moist it is not dead.


Answer by  cavebear (120)

First of all maple tree are deciduous and lose their leaves in the fall through the winter months.Check the branch if it green or not.


Answer by  shadney (0)

Question: So will the leaves show up or is it in need of a treatment? I live in alaska and it was fine for two years. Please help!

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