

Question by  apple (447)

Is multi-tasking efficient?


Answer by  elsewhen (627)

I think multi-tasking SEEMS efficient, but i think there have been some studies that show that when you do actual tests, people would be best off focusing on one task and then moving onto others. There are significantly fewer mistakes that way, and overall productivity is actually higher.


Answer by  EchoC (553)

It depends on a worker to worker basis. If someone is a quick thinker and quick learner who is natural at juggling several tasks, multi-tasking can be the perfect fit for them and will be very efficient. But if someone is more of a perfectionist, methodical and detail-oriented, that person may not be able to make multi-tasking efficient for them.


Answer by  kat43netzerocom (52)

Multitasking is not only efficient it is very necessary for most people. I multitask all the time, but, there are certain things that I will never do while doing 2 or 3 other things. I almost burnt down the house once when I tried to fry a pork chop,and hang clothes out back while making an appointment.


Answer by  Carol37 (569)

Multi-tasking can be efficient when the tasks involve routine physical situations. To make a bed or wash a car while listening to French lessons on your earphones is quite possible. No concentration is required. When you need to learn or absorb something, give it all your attention.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

Multi-tasking short tasks doesn't work very well because it is hard to change focus all the time, but doing something like uploading a large file and working on e-mail at the same time works. Driving and talking on the phone is dangerous, so don't do it.


Answer by  AJ1987 (18)

If you stop and think about it multi-taksing is not efficient. You are doing mutilple things at the same time but are not getting finished with the tasks. To efficiently get things done in a you should work on one thing at a time.


Answer by  VictoriaWallace (51)

I find multi-taking very efficient. I tend to multi-task at everything I do. I especially do when it comes to doing house work. I do several different tasks at one time. To me, I get more things done in less time. My husband, however, hates it!


Answer by  Sin42 (11)

Multi-tasking is inefficient where accuracy is necessary. As multi-tasking is essentially rapid switch between two or more taskes. This switching causes lapses of attention and therefore inaccuracy. If one wishes to become more efficient, multi-tasking is not the way to achieve it.

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