How do you opt out of having tax deductions from your check?
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taxes windows
Question by gregg02 (15)
I am looking into replacing the windows in my house with more energy efficient windows and was told that there is a tax deduction to do so.
Answer by Chaneygirl (1755)
There is a 30% credit up to $1500 for energy efficient windows. Not all windows qualify, you will need to verify with your contractor or store.
There is a credit of 30% of the cost of the windows (not installation) for windows that qualify (check ratings) and installed by 12/31/10.
Answer by gleverance (720)
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act allows you to take a credit of up to $1,500 for energy improvements to your home. The Residential Energy Property Credit is what your looking for on your return this year.
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