


Question by  Brahbrah (21)

Is it safe to crack your toes?

I love having my toe knuckles cracked, but if it's dangerous, I will stop.


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

It's not dangerous. As a college soccer player and former dancer, I crack my toes on a daily basis and my toes are all still there!


Answer by  oldperson27 (12)

I don't have a medical degree and I'm not any type of scientist. What I do have is 37 years of experience on this planet and i've been cracking my toes for as long as I can remember. It just plain feels great and I have absolutely no adverse side effects.


Answer by  Anonymous

Well when i crack my toes my feet sometimes cramp up but if that does't happen to you then i never wrote this, ok?

posted by Anonymous
i think that cracking the toes makes me feel relaxing  add a comment

Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

It is perfectly safe to crack your knuckles. It will cause no damage at all, despite what your mother may have told you.


Answer by  Anonymous


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