

Question by  Nrs (22)

Is it possible to drive from LA to Cabo?

How far is it? Is it safe?


Answer by  jclick (1561)

It is possible to drive from LA to Los Cabos but it is very far and the roads in Baja California are not major roads. You should fly instead.


Answer by  onecrore (196)

Yeah, you can do it, but it would be pretty arduous. I drove about halfway down the Baja peninsula, and had a great time, but there are places where it is very desolate. Your car should be in really good shape. Otherwise it is generally safe.


Answer by  Chad16 (22)

It is possible, but it will take anywhere from 2-3 days. The road down the Baha peninsula is very narrow and dangerous, so take your time!


Answer by  Anonymous

Matt, just surf in LA or go to Texas early. Not Cabo this time! Too many dangers to travel alone!

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