


Question by  willard (874)

Is it dangerous to have the throttle switch in a closed position?


Answer by  69nova (389)

If you are talking about the throttle position switch,it would affect the information going to the engine computer. Which would result in the vehicle not running its most efficient. This could also end up leading to a stalling or no start scenario. So with the possibility engine stalling it could lead to a dangerous situation.


Answer by  JOHNEBEG (486)

Yes. Having it in the closed position can cause the engine to surge forward at a dead stop causing you to rear end the car in front of you.


Answer by  pardhan (92)

To have a throttle switch closed off is very dangerous for a car because the throttle switch should be able to get some air, if it doest not there are high chances for it blowing up.


Answer by  GV (14)

It's very dangerous to have the throttle switch in a closes position. The throttle switch must have the space to move.

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