How long does a female dog carry puppies?
Is it dangerous to fly when pregnant?
Is it safe to color your hair while pregnant?
Is my puppy pregnant?
What is causing the hard lumps on my puppy's stomach?
Why cant you take NyQuil while pregnant?
Will it hurt my puppy if he swallowed small pieces of rawhide?
dogs pet health
Question by bmac62 (18)
She's only 8 months old.
Answer by champaign9497 (11977)
She should be ok as long as she gets proper vet care but that is extremly young to have puppies. I would abort and have her fixed
Answer by kirri (478)
Generally this is not a big deal. As long as she is not a teacup or small dog. Your best bet is to take her to a vet for an office visit to make sure the puppies are not to large for her to deliver.
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