

Question by  Anonymous

In the little league junior division can you replace a batter if a pitch has been thrown to the batter?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Yes you can do that in the little league division. They are not that strict with the rules so that should be okay for the child to do in any case.


Answer by  sdnco (264)

No. You can't replace a batter, once a pitch has been thrown, unless you want to take an out instead. However, each league has its own rules, but in most leagues, you can't replace the batter.


Answer by  mrsmyers (474)

I guess that would depend on the league and what the league rules are. I know for my cousins little league junior division team you cannot replace the batter once a pitch is thrown.


Answer by  nicholemathisyahoocom (14)

You are able to replace a child batter in a little league game, however (s)he must face at least one pitch.


Answer by  gary23 (130)

Yes, the hitter could be replaced; but it will be nice if this is done for a valid reason. Remember you are dealing with children emotions. Treat them very carefully.


Answer by  Fran67 (77)

No, if the batter has been in the box and chooses to leave the field without hitting or finishing his/her at bat, the batter is out. If the batter is hit by a pitch and can't continue a runner can come in for the batter who would have been given first base anyway.


Answer by  John (9008)

You can replace a batter in the middle of an at-bat, if you wish. Once a player is inserted, however, he must face at least one pitch.

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