

Question by  nelsonmichaelr (203)

In bread baking, what is a starter and how is it used?


Answer by  amorjm37 (6)

A bread starter is a base for certain breads like sourdough and is made with yeast. A starter takes a few days to make as it needs to ferment, giving the bread that unique taste. Once the starter is done it is added to your bread recipe.


Answer by  AnnaTeague (806)

A "starter" is a yeast and flour blend that has been brewing. A simple starter can be made from commercial yeast, flour, and water or milk, and it requires periodic feeding, and splitting off. Some connoisseurs do not like the commercial yeast-based starters and buy or capture "wild" yeast strains, such as San Francisco Gold Rush to make gourmet sourdoughs.

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