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Question by  bitsm (37)

What are typical troubles with baking yeast bread?

I like to bake yeast bread.


Answer by  Karen54 (971)

You must use fresh yeast (it will have a use by date) and you need to use very hot water to activate the yeast.


Answer by  dancinsue (6)

Make sure to mix the salt well into the flour before adding the liquid yeast mixture.


Answer by  KathyB (276)

Common problems are caused by using old yeast, too much or too little liquid, ingredients that are too cold rather than room temperature, and baking when the weather is too humid. These things can cause bread not to rise properly, bake unevenly, sink in the center. Oven temperature is important.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

The biggest trouble is waiting for the bread to rise and also all the kneeding you will need to do. There are many breads that do not use yeast.

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