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human body


Question by  glendajeanne (12)

I wish I was shorter. What can I do?


Answer by  Rose (6804)

There is nothing you can do to become shorter, instead relish in the length of your legs and look at the advantages you have by being so tall. Everyone is unique in their own way.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Wow, that's truly a very rare complaint. The only thing you can do is to wear shoes that are flat on the bottom.


Answer by  shijo (861)

You can have more proteins in your diet. Free exercise can be done to further growth of the bones. Growing taller always also depends on the age. If you are older than 22 then it will be impossible.


Answer by  Dinagirl (182)

I'm tall too:) welcome to the group of tall women. Just don't bother... I know it's difficUlt but don't lesen to others coments. Think as they are jelous of you even if they are not. they should because it's beatiful and unique!

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