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Question by  Jon44 (87)

I know it's bad for me, so why do I still smoke?


Answer by  Briana (172)

You're addicted to the nicotine in the cigarettes. Also, perhaps you've used smoking as a way to cope with stress or other things in your life.


Answer by  annie52foof (1459)

Mentally and intelligentally you know you should not smoke because it is bad for your health, but you physical dependance on the addictive ingredients in tobacco is what keeps you from being able to quit so easily.


Answer by  harper2583 (466)

I know smoking is bad for you but it is really hard to quit because nicottene is very addicting stuff. I have tried to quit many times and i have also failed many times I think the best way to do it is pick a date get your kit and stick to it.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

The substances in cigarettes are really bad for you. However, they're also addictive to keep you hooked so you by more. You're addicted.

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