health conditions


Question by  Tess (14)

I have high fever, and I am throwing up, what can cause this?


Answer by  mommapaige (60)

Any number of things could cause these symptoms--influenza, food poisoning (which mimics every aspect of the flu)or a stomach virus. Sometimes a bacterial infection, such a strep throat can raise your body temperature so high that the body's response is to vomit. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and call a doctor.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You may have stomach "flu", in which case sip clear fluids to avoid dehydration. Ginger ale that contains real ginger will help. If vomiting persists more than 2 days, is constant or your fever is over 102, see a doctor. Family doctor. org has a very helpful chart.


Answer by  jennyanydots (294)

The worst case scenario would be that your could be suffering from a bacterial meningitis a very serious, contagious and sometimes fatal illness caused by a bacterial infection of the meninges surrounding the brain. If caught early, antibiotics can be given to reverse the progression of the illness. Please seek medical attention immediately.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Most likely it you are experiencing the common flu. You can get the flue even if you've had the flu shot because bacteria changes to form new flu bacterias. Bad kidney infections can also cause vomiting and fever, but usually the fever is really high.

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