health procedures


Question by  guitarnut02 (20)

How to you remove a complex thyroid nodule from the right side?

Is an incision made on the neck and it's taken out externally, or do they go down the esophagus with a scope?


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

Depending on the size of the thyroid, if its too large then you will have to get out externally, in order to not have any further problems with your esophagus. If it is small then you can get them, "exploded" in let them dissolved which is great if you are looking for less scarring.


Answer by  BrighamMSIV (229)

Thyroid nodules are made via a neck incision with exploration to take out the nodule via subtotal thyroidectomy (depending on the nature of the nodule diagnosed with FNA). This incision will be made in a neckline crease and hidden with your normal skin folds to the point where you will hardly notice there ever was an incision.


Answer by  saturno (325)

according the doctors a surgery is not necessary because the nodule can be reduce by a Treatment with Thyroid Hormone Medication the treatment depends of the results of the biopsy

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