Using several different types of lighting can bring drama to the room. Try wall sconces that match the theme or mood of your room and recessed lighting on a dimmer.
Get a couple globe type looking lights. They are made out of paper and have some very exciting decorative designs. They can also be cheaper than most other lighting fixtures.
Go as big as you can to add a more dramatic effect to the room. The color is a must to either match other decor such as gold or silver or buy as an accent color to off set the main color in the bathroom. The shades come in colors.
Lighting can be a focal point in a room. A piece of art rather then just something that produces light for a room. Check out The Lamp Genie based in Thousand Oaks, CA for a unique approach to lighting.
thats amazing. If you are interested in lighting you should check out sabineslightfixtures-com They do interesting things with lighting and light fixtures.