

Question by  Esther9166 (34)

How should I remove ticks from dogs?


Answer by  Sasha (106)

The best way I've found to remove a tick from a dog is: trim down the fur around the area where the tick has latched on, and soak it in honey for about 2 minutes (the tick will let go of the dog when it loses oxygen). Then, carefully remove the tick with large tweezers and flush or suffocate.


Answer by  Matt30 (23)

There are a couple different ways that ticks can be removed from dogs. 1. Cover the tick in vaseline. This will suffocate the tick, forcing it to come out on its own. 2. Light a match and burn the tick off. In both cases, be sure that the entire tick is out, including the head.


Answer by  pinkie (247)

Always keep your pet clean to prevent ticks. Once you discover your dog has ticks, head to your vet and ask for advice on what shampoo or tick powder he can recommend.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

With a tweezer or your fingers at the head of the tick where it is embedded in skin, gently pull out. Do not pull tick out by its body. Once removed, burn it or drop into alcohol and wash your hands thoroughly. Use disinfectant on dog's removal site.

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