how to


Question by  hbackman (50)

How should I measure curtains for a bow window?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Measure the rail all the way round. If the rail is 360 cm wide, you will need each curtain to be 240 cm wide for pencil pleat.


Answer by  mahfuz (144)

First measure the length from the curtain rod to the bottom of the windowsill. Next measure each side section and the middle section across the top of the windowand that all.


Answer by  askandyoushallreceive (658)

Set up your curtain rods where you want them to go. Then measure the distance from curtain rod end to the other curtain rod end. If you want to make them ruffled add about 3 inches every place you want to put one. To measure the distance make sure it either almost touches the floor or is above the sill.


Answer by  ihatetv (581)

Usually, curtains should be between 1.5 and 2 times the width of the window. Assuming you are making these drapes, I would make an exact copy of the window out of paper, slash it into even sections, separate them evenly to the width you want, then add hems and allowance.


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

According to what type of curtain's you want to use.A simple Tape measure would do.If by chance the bow window has more curvature you might want to use a string measure.Tape the string around the curve for a exact fit. measure Straight across for a simple straight across curtain.


Answer by  JamesRaymond (93)

First measure the length from the curtain rod to the bottom of the windowsill. Next measure each side section and the middle section across the top of the window


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Basically you want to measure the length of your window and then measure the length of the material for the curtains. Cut according to the width and length of your windows.


Answer by  lizzo (29)

Take a long piece of heavy string and follow the curve of the window with it. Double the measurement for the width of the curtains.


Answer by  mathanraj (0)

1. Measure your curtain rail for the curtain width. 2. Finally hook your tape measure onto the top edge of the top boards and measure down for the valance length.

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