health procedures


Question by  pumpkin (32)

How should appendix removal change your diet?


Answer by  ferfer72 (2623)

Your appendix doesn't actually serve any sort of biological function. After you are over the effects of surgery, your diet shouldn't need to change at all.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

You should eat easily digested food for a short time after the surgery and have plenty of liquids. However, no permanent change is required.


Answer by  gamergirl24 (85)

You do not need to change your diet due to the removal of your appendix. You might want to eat plain food (broth, applesauce, toast) for the first day, but after that, you can eat a normal diet.


Answer by  Britt (453)

Removal of the appendix will not change your diet after the first few days. It is suggested that after the surgery you eat plain, easily digested food, but only temporarily.

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