

Question by  Miles (15)

How much do EMT1's make in California?

i am moving there soon.


Answer by  jlwilson6 (1098)

The average Emt 1 in California state make anywhere between 20,000 to 34,000 a year. It depends on your experience and current salary.


Answer by  thechadv1 (200)

In California, EMT 1's generally make from $20,260 to $34,910, based upon current salary averages. The national average, in comparison, is from $20,470 up to $34,310 yearly, as salaried employees. In terms of hourly rates, California EMT's make from $9. 76 up to $16. 78 per hour. National average is $9. 84 to $16. 49 per hour.


Answer by  Kriket (1029)

Generally EMTs make about $40,000 to $50,000 a year. Coupled with the high cost of living in California this isn't enough to get rich on. Experience and location will affect the salary greatly. Experience can double pay in most jobs. If you are looking to move it is best to have a job lined up if you are able.


Answer by  moonzi (286)

It depends on the company you work for, but in general, the salary ranges between $26,000 thru $33,000. The average is typically $29,000 annually.

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