


Question by  jens (40)

How many seats does a Suburban 4 x 4 have?


Answer by  cajuncuz (177)

The chevy suburbans are a very expensive suv. The 2011 costs nearly $40,000. All of the chevy suburban's I have seen seat up to 9 people. That is if all of the seats are put in.


Answer by  Pat57 (138)

A 4x4 Chevrolet Suburban has available seating for up to nine people. There are three rows of seats that each hold three people.


Answer by  Ultimate (399)

The Suburban 4 x 4 is one of GM's latest attempts at a City styled 4WD it boasts being able to fit nine people in it's three rows of seating much akin to a van in regards to it's seats it has 3 in front 3 in middle and 3 in back for a total of 9 seats


Answer by  Doug77 (1433)

Suburbans come in several trim packages. -Front bucket seats and a rear bench. -Front bench and a rear bench. -Front buckets and two rear bench. -Three rows of bench seats. So, anywhere from 5 to 9 seats are available but, with a third bench you cut into cargo space.

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