human body


Question by  mintysweet7 (15)

How many hairs do you lose each day?


Answer by  jeffjonesrock (42)

Human beings lose anywhere between 40 and 100 hairs per day. People with finer textured hair lose more than those who have thicker hair.


Answer by  Crystal35 (45)

The average amount of hair a person loses in a day is 100. It's not abnormal to lose up to 140 hairs either. Although, if you start losing huge chunks of hair, you should probably go see a doctor.


Answer by  Sanjeevan (62)

Dear Client, Im losing more then 500 hairs per day, already my front forehead got bald, im really fed up with this, Im looking for a better solution for this,


Answer by  sunny76 (16)

When i comb my hair minimum five to ten hairs iam losing every time. When i go for head bath i can't say exactly how many hairs iam losing.


Answer by  Anonymous

yo yo my name is slim shady. and his mom. mom your embarasing me,woman go make me brownies


Answer by  Anonymous

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggg me lose all when combit

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