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Question by  ducan (30)

How many Charmed episodes have there been?

I want to make sure I have seen them all.


Answer by  Miezwa (7)

There were 179 episodes of Charmed over 8 seasons. 22 episodes per season, except 5 and 6 with 23 episodes. There was also an unaired pilot episode with different actors for Phoebe and Andy.


Answer by  nikigrahl (7)

I have researched the topic and according to several online sources, I have found that there are a total of 179 episodes of the Charmed television series airing between the years 1998 and 2006.


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

Charmed ran for eight season and in all there were 178 episodes. All eight season have been released on DVD between 2005 and 2007. and can be seen online at The WB's website.


Answer by  sashangeljaz (992)

The "Charmed" TV series ran for eight seasons originally on the WB network and produced 178 episodes total for the entire run.


Answer by  Megan80 (161)

Including the un-aired pilot there are 179 episodes total. It is hard to find a boxed set with the un-aried pilot as the manufacturer discontinued the deluxe boxed sets.

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