


Question by  discomcdoogal (28)

How long should I hang drapes before hemming?

When will my drapes be ready?


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

I would recommend that you start hemming them as soon as you hang them up. I would not leave them up over 3 days.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

if your home has even a modest amount of humidity the drapes should be hung for at least three weeks. Once the wrinkles have fallen out, you can then hem.


Answer by  pandora18 (74)

The normal practice in hemming draperies by most professionals is to not hang them first. Generally doing the hemming first as the material will lay flat and is easier to handle is the best way. Be sure that you iron your material as well before proceeding to hem. Do the side hems first working your way to the bottom hemming.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

If you mean that you are hanging them to get the winkles out then hem, I would wait a week.

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