

Question by  Meg (224)

How long is the normal goat gestation period?


Answer by  GoatPerson (43)

Minature goats are usually 150 day while full-size goats are usually 155 days.


Answer by  Kris (797)

A doe goat will usually give birth within 150 days, but it could it be as little as 145 days, and as long as 155 days till birth.


Answer by  rayven8099 (199)

Gestational periods in goats vary between individuals and between different goat breeds. Average gestational periods range from 145 days to 155 days.


Answer by  Sudhkar (69)

It depends on breed.. my first fresheners (first timers) which are nigerians. the average gestation period is 145-155. but it depends on breed. and individual goat.

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