How long is a chihuahua's gestation period?
How long is the normal goat gestation period?
What is the gestation period for a black swallowtail?
What is the gestation period for a hedgehog?
What is the gestation period for German Shepherds?
What is the gestation period for miniature Dachshunds?
What is the gestation period for rabbits?
Question by largetuna (118)
When will I see baby bunnies?
Answer by JEG (37)
It takes about a month for a doe to have her babies. Beforehand, separate the does from the bucks and be sure the cage will keep the babies warm.
Answer by slarp (52)
Rabbits are famous for having a short gestation period, which leads to jokes about rabbit breeding. In fact, rabbits have a gestation period of only about a month, which is pretty short compared with other animals.
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