Can you drive long distance if you have transmission problems?
How far is it from Chicago to Cincinnati?
What are the average parking rates in Chicago?
What are the standard values of a Whitney Chicago Piano that is in great condition?
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What can I do to make a long drive less tiring?
What is a better drive for storage a jaz drive or a zip drive?
cars time travel
Question by Thespirit8 (34)
I'm looking for driving time, not considering stops, etc. but actual time in the car on the road.
Answer by bo (874)
To drive from Phoenix to Chicago, it will take one day and six hours. The time will vary depending on how much you stop for gas and food.
Answer by Liz59 (10966)
It's going to take you about 30 hours, maybe 35 depending on which part of Phoenix you are travelling from.
Answer by Thespirit8 (34)
1500 miles
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