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guinea pigs


Question by  prabhu (17)

How long does it take for a baby guinea pig to be weaned?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Baby guinea pigs will start eating solid food from day 1, but will continue to nurse until about 2-3 weeks old, when mum will start shooing them away. Make sure to separate any males after 21 days to avoid dangerous backbreeding/inbreeding. Babies (up to 6mos) and pregnant/nursing mums should get alfalfa pellets (like oxbow cavy performance) instead of timothy-based ones.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

They can eat solid foods immediately, but by 2-3 weeks their mum should start shoving them away. Separate any boys at 3 weeks to avoid more dangerous pregnancies.


Answer by  darthjdavis (284)

Baby guinea pigs are born able to eat solid food. If the mother abandons her young, you can supplement with milk replacement or just give them watered down pellets. They typically wean themselves around 6 weeks, but often much sooner than that. The mother will do it on her own.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

It takes about 2-3 weeks for a baby guinea pig to be weaned, but they also start eating solid food immediately. At about 2 weeks mum should start getting annoyed and bat them away. Remove any boys at 21 days to avoid backbreeding and inbreeding (both are very dangerous).


Answer by  nicolesolo (13)

Typically, a domestic guinea pig baby is weaned between fourteen to twenty-one days. During their third week of life they will start to nurse less.


Answer by  Carter3 (5)

The baby guinea pig should be weaned within 3-4 weeks of birth,but it is able to eat solid food within only a few short days of being born... But as i said before it will continue to nurse for up to 3-4 weeks before being weaned.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Usually 2-3 weeks, but they start eating pellets, hay and vegetables immediately as well. Remove any boys at 3 weeks to avoid backbreeding/inbreeding.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Baby cavies start drinking/eating solid food immediately, but will only be fully weaned after 2 -3 weeks (at which time you MUST separate any males to avoid dangerous inbreeding/backbreeding)

Reply by helencook385 (0):
how can you tell males from females at two weeks old its hard to tell  add a comment

Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Baby guinea pigs are able to eat solid food from the first day they are born, but will also nurse until they are about 2-3 weeks old (at which point any boys should be removed to avoid dangerous inbreeding and back breeding).

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